The Scribe – March 24

From Pastor Ken

Going Deep Into the Lord’s Prayer

Wednesdays in Lent
Many people know of the Lord’s prayer. Many say it often and even have it memorized. Yet few people know what it means or have explored its depths. On our Lenten Wednesday evenings, we will be going deep into this prayer that Jesus taught us.

– March 6: Give Us Our Daily Bread
– March 13: Forgive Us as We Forgive
– March 21: Lead Us Not Into Temptation
– March 28: Deliver Us From Evil

Join us as we gather for soup and bread supper @ 6:00p in the Fellowship Hall. Sign-up sheet on bulletin board! Then our worship follows the peaceful Holden Evening Prayer service.
** Offerings for Lenten Wednesdays go to Didi & Seraphina Panzo’s mission in feeding orphans.

A Bible Study on Acts

Sundays @ 9:30a in the Sanctuary beginning March 3

“You will be my witnesses to Jeruselem, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” These are Jesus’ words to the disciples before he ascended into heaven. The book of Acts tells how the presence of the risen Christ empowers his fearful followers to become his bold witnesses. Join me as we learn about the practices of the early Christians, the persecutions they endured and how their dispersion became the context for sharing the good news to the world. I encourage you to read the chapters ahead of time so you can participate more fully in the class.

– March 3: Acts 1-5 You will be my Witnesses
– March 10: Acts 6-9 Persecution & Paul’s Conversion
– March 17: Acts 10-14 1st Missionary Journey
– March 24: Acts 15-20 2nd Missionary Journey
– April 7: Acts 21-28 To the Ends of the Earth

From Andrew Koetsier, Youth and Family Ministries Director

Greetings BFLC Family!
For the month of March (and all of Lent), we are taking a break from our normal Confirmation and Youth Group service and joining in the weekly Soup Suppers and Lenten Services. Youth can plan to join me at a table by 6:30pm to connect before the service and check in on how the week is going. We will return to our normal Wednesday night schedule on April 3.

While Pastor Ken is taking us through the Lord’s Prayer in the Lenten services, we are encouraging our youth to spend more time in their Bibles this Lent with the goal of growing in their relationship with him. This month I would also encourage you to set aside time to hear from God through His Word.

In the words of the Apostle Peter, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God” (John 6:68b-69). Praying that we all take time and space to go deeper with Him this month.

In His Grace,
Andrew Koetsier

For additional details see The Scribe below:
