The Scribe – January 2020, Volume I

The Real Work of Christmas

When the song of angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flock, the real work of Christmas begins… To find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild nations, to bring peace among brothers, to make music in the heart.

Sunday, January 5 – The visit of the wise men

Sunday, January 12 – New Member Class begins

Enjoy The Scribe’s new format!

This allows us to continue to provide a hard copy to those who prefer one, while making it easier to upload to our website (available at under the Church Media tab.) Either way, we hope to continue keeping our members and guests up-to-date on the latest happenings at Black Forest Lutheran Church.


Confirmation & Summit! Next class is January 8th. Study hard for finals/games/concerts & STAY HEALTHY! COMPASS – January 12 at 9:30 AM in the fellowship basement!

Sweetheart Dinner Planning

January 5 & 19 after worship! All interested MS/HS invited. Adult helpers needed as well! Save the date FEBRUARY 8th!

The Intergenerational Christmas Program 2019 was a success! Thank you to all participants, helpers, parents, etc!

Sunday, January 5: Ice Skating at the Poss Pond! 1 – 6:00 PM. Potluck and a day of fun outside in the Forest! Wear lots of layers, bring something to share and of course, a friend or neighbor! Ice/Hockey skates available in many sizes. Contact Rebecca for more info/Kathleen Fitzpatrick for driving details. Weather/temperature dependant.

YOUTH FAMILIES – Did you know the donations for coffee and donuts are given to the youth? Let’s help support this effort by voluntering to set-up or clean-up the kitchen one Sunday. PLEASE CHECK WEBSITE FOR UPDATES! Youth Families

For more in formation on Black Forest Lutheran Church happenings in January, download The Scribe below.
