He Is Risen!
He Is Risen Indeed!

As we gather through the weeks of this Easter season, we will hear Jesus called by many names:
He is Not Here (in the tomb) but is the Risen One.
He is the Word of Life, the Author of Life.
He is the Eternal Life that was with the Father and was revealed to us.
He is the Stone That Was Rejected, but now the Cornerstone of the church.
He is the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep.
He is the Vine, and we are his branches.
But Jesus’ greatest name is the one we hear from Thomas, who struggled to believe.
Jesus is my Lord and my God.

Adult Classes In April
-April 7 Book of Acts (last session)
-Intentional Parenting (3rd of 6 sessions)
-April 14 New Member Class
-Intentional Parenting
A Man Called Martin Luther (video)

This month we will also be learning about our North American Lutheran Church (NALC) and our mission across the continent and the world. Look for the insert in your bulletin as well as a brief video on Sundays.

Youth & Family Ministry

Greetings BFLC Family!
What a blessing it was to reflect on our Lord Jesus’ Passion week, culminating in the celebration of His resurrection on Easter Sunday. In the words of the angel at the empty tomb, “He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.” (Matthew 28:6)
This past month we took a break from our regular youth group and Confirmation gatherings to join the rest of the church body in the Lenten Services. Starting the first Wednesday in April, Youth Group will be back on Wednesdays on a weekly basis. Confirmation will resume on Wednesday, April 10.
We are also excited about the Intentional Parenting class that will continue each Sunday morning through the month of April. We are praying that God will grant us grace and His enabling strength as we seek to lead our children in following Jesus together.
I pray that this month that you, like the early disciples, would be emboldened by the truth and power of His resurrection to go “be His witnesses” (Acts 1:8) where you live, study, work, and play.
In His Grace,
Andrew Koetsier

For more details and new stories download the full Scribe below.
