The Scribe – August 2019

From Pastor Ken
Thank You
It is good to be back among you after my 1/2 sabbatical. I return rested and refreshed, ready to focus on our ministry together. Thank you for the opportunity to recharge.

The North American Lutheran Church (NALC), Lutheran Week and annual convocation is being held in Indianapolis. August 5-9. Melanie and I will be attending with Steve and Nancy Lord. Please keep us and all who attend in your prayers for wisdom as we elect a new bishop.

Call Process
BFLC is looking to call an associate pastor. This pastor would assist in the many pastoral responsibilities within our congregation as well as helping us grow as disciples so we can reach out to those in the neighborhoods around us. Our call committee has submitted our Congregational Profile to the NALC, and will now develop a job description for this position. Please pray for the Lord’s guidance in this important process.

Pastor Tsena Dinssa
We will be having a ‘pastor in residence’ among us for the next few months unrelated to our own call process. Tsena Dinssa is an NALC pastor from Ethiopia just completing 3 years of service in a congregation in rural Wyoming. He will be seeking a new call soon. After doing faithful ministry in an isolated setting, Pastor Dinssa is ready for a change. Since we are near Denver and its large Ethiopian community, and since Tsena and I have connected well, Bishop Bradosky has asked me to mentor Pastor Dinssa during his time of transition. I anticipate that he will participate in the life our congregation by preaching, teaching, and visiting and especially his ministry of prayer.

Summer Worship Schedule
One worship service at 9:00 AM
4 – Inside
11 – Outside
18 – Inside
25 – Outside/Congrgational Picnic

Youth Happenings
August 7 – Middle and High School Campfire
Songs, Bible Study, Games at 6:30 PM.

Black Forest Festival – Saturday, August 10!
Come and join in the fun!

August 21 – Car Care and Campfire
Come learn some invaluable service and repair skills to keep your car running and safe! Led by Bart Ewers. And smores to follow.

Rally Day August. 25
Kick off into the fall programs with an interactive 10 Commandments game! Fun for the whole family, all ages welcome! Sign up to lead one commandment: families and senior high especially!
Also Annual Picnic at church: one and all welcome!

Marion House: August 31
Ages 14 and up! Sign up for a priceless opportunity to serve the needy in Colorado Springs. See Rebecca with questions: waiver required.

Confirmation parents and kids meeting is September 4 at 6:30 PM
For all students and parents beginning or returning to Confirmation this fall.

ALL KIDDOS Sunday School starts Sunday September 8 at 9:30 AM!
Music, Magic and Mess returns!
Special HS Senior SOAR Program starts. First Session: Strengths and Self with Barb Gurnett

September 20-22
Weekend Mission Trip to La Puente & Sand Dunes for our Middle Schoolers!
Sign-up if interested.

​For many other stories and updates download The Scribe below.
