The Scribe – July 2022

From Pastor Ken

Summer Worship Schedule
One Service – 9:00 AM
If you are on vacation sometime this summer and cannot worship, read from the Gospel of St. Luke listed below. Know that we’ll all be hearing what Jesus is doing and saying to us all.

3 – The Harvest – Luke 10:1 – Outside service (weather permitting)

10 – Good Samaritan – Luke 10:25 – Inside

17 – Mary & Martha – Luke 10:38 – Outside

24 – Lord’s Prayer – Luke 11:1 – Inside

31 – Bigger Barns – Luke 12:13 – Outside (Church picnic)


7 – Real Treasure – Luke 12:32 – Inside

14 – Didi Panzo – Luke 12:49 – Outside

21 – Jesus Heals – Luke 13:10 – Inside

28 – Trust Him – Luke 14:12 – Outside

As you hear so much about the war in Ukraine, know that BFLC supports a ministry that’s making a real difference there. Spiritual Orphans Network (SON) has been working in former Soviet Union countries for 30 years connecting Christians from the US with those Eastern Bloc Christians who have remained faithful, even after years under communism. Since February 24, these relationships have given SON “boots on the ground” to be able to identify ways to offer help in this desperate situation. Two vans have been purchased to transport refugees to jobs and doctors in Slovakia. The SON network fund is also providing food and supplies to people as well as computers for students who all continue their education while they adapt to a new language and culture.
Learn more about SON network by going online or by reading the SON newsletter in the narthex.

From Jacob Oglesby – Youth and Family Ministries Director

Hello all,
Throughout the month of June, we had the opportunity to not only enjoy the great summer weather but also to run some of our most favorite programs! Thank you to each and every volunteer who had helped make these events possible! I say this often, but it is worth repeating, you truly are appreciated. We could not do this without you!
For our big event in June that we always look forward to we had our VBS program from the 12th – 17th. If you had the chance to see this program in action you would see students of all ages having fun, singing songs, and learning an age-appropriate lesson about a different Bible topic every day. In the evenings we also had Night Camp which is where the middle and high school students have an opportunity to hang out, eat snacks, talk about their struggles, and hear the Gospel message. We look forward to this event every year and this year was no exception. Our Rainbow Trail staff were great as always, our BFLC helpers and volunteers were wonderful, the games were fun and exciting, and most importantly of all the students learned more about Jesus.
One of the new programs that we started this year we are calling “Summer Wiggle”. Typically, we suspend our younger Sunday School classes as well as our Wiggle Worship for the summer months. This year we have decided to continue to offer Wiggle Worship even in the summer months. We believe this is a great ministry for both parents and our young students and the Wiggle Worship director, Amy Churchill, has done a fantastic job with this program. Thank you for all the teachers who have volunteered for this program. We are looking for a couple more volunteers to help us out with this in the later July dates. If you are interested, please contact either me or Amy Churchill. We look forward to seeing this program grow and continue to provide age-appropriate lessons to our young students.
On top of confirmation camp which Pastor Ken and I will be leading June 28th from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM we are also offering a new program in the life of the church. This is our Men’s Support Group. Mike Regennitter and I will continue to host this group which meets the fourth Thursday of every month. We typically go from 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM. This has been a time of reflection and processing as men come together to navigate the challenges of life together. If you’re interested, you can come check us out or contact me or Mike for more information.
For His glory,
Jacob Oglesby
