The Scribe – January 2021

The Real Work of Christmas
When the song of angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock
The real work of Christmas begins…
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild nations,
To bring peace among brothers,
To make music in the heart.

New Member Class Starts
Sunday, January 10 at 9:30 AM

THANK YOU! – Each of us on staff would like to express our gratitude for your generous gifts during this Christmas Season. It is comforting to know we are surrounded by such a caring church community! Thank you!

DICK ULLOM’S FUNERAL – Friday, January 8 at 10:30 AM. Please keep Avelyn and family in your prayers.

ADMINISTRATIVE HELP NEEDED – We are hoping to hire someone to help in the front office to do administrative work for the church. The job will be for 20-30 hours each week. Work requires greeting visitors, answering phones, word processing, filing, and other administrative duties. If you are interested, please mail or turn in your resume to Lisa at the front office.

Youth and Family Ministries

Hello all, Jacob here!

Greetings all,
2020 is almost at an end! Time seems to have shot by as we prepared for our Christmas celebrations and Christmas Eve services. As many of you are aware we have entered into another strict season of distancing which leads to more precise and intentional planning. Most of this month can be categorized simply as a time of planning and preparation.

Since we have had to cancel many of our in person meetings our confirmation class ended our semester online and we will be discussing when to go back to in person as the next semester draws closer. I am also checking in with students and always available if they need to chat, catch up, or if they had any questions or issues that they needed to work through during this confusing time.

As far as events are concerned we had a great YA meeting on the 17th in the Fellowship Hall. This is going to be a Kickstarter to being able to meet with that great group more regularly. We continued to be safe and distanced while also playing games, having the opportunity to chat with one another, and getting into some thoughtful discussions as well. Although the circumstances around it weren’t ideal it was a great icebreaker and something we are able to continue to build upon. Also Saturday, the 19th I hosted a gingerbread house making party via zoom. We have many families that participated and it was great seeing their creativity at work. Go online to our website to check out some of the finished products!

Although current events will be limiting our meetings, events, and activities we are still offering Sunday School and Wiggle Worship. The Sunday school class has made a “current events Christmas” video for their Advent activity. This video has been put on our Kids Corner website as well as Dr. Dave’s magic videos. If you haven’t yet you really should go and check them out. We will be reevaluating where we are in early January to determine the next steps for our programs but be on the lookout for some fun community programs and events.

As I mentioned last month we continue to pray for wisdom and guidance to determine the best courses of action for the future. Although these are strange times we rest on the truth that God is still all-good and all-powerful and that He is full of love for us, His children.
For His glory,
Jacob Oglesby

For additional details and other BFLC news download The Scribe below.
