The Scribe – February 2021

From Pastor Ken

Ash Wednesday Worship – February 17 at 7:00 PM
Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. It is the service when a cross of ashes is traced on our foreheads to remind us that we aren’t on earth forever. Our lives will end sooner or later. It’s helpful to remember that while we are limited, our God is not. Our lives are truly in His hands.

A Time of Healing
The past 11 months of COVID have been trying. You or someone you know has experienced isolation, anxiety, loneliness, depression, sickness, or grief. Given all this, I thought it would be good to focus our Lenten worship on Jesus’ healing. From responding to people as he walked this earth to his gracious work in making us whole, Jesus is the source of all healing.
Join me on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM starting February 24, as we gather to the peaceful music of the Holden Evening Prayer service and focus on A Time of Healing.

Souper Bowl
During the Super Bowl, Sunday, February 7, a 30 second ad will cost $5.6 million. That’s $11.2 million a minute! On a day most Americans are focused on the game, eating, and ads, it’s reasonable for us to also remember those who are hungry. On a day so much is spent on entertainment, plan to bring non-perishable food or money donation so that our Black Forest Food pantry can share with those who do not have enough to eat. It’s our Souper Bowl!


Ash Wednesday this year is February 17th

Your Social Ministry Committee has designated the offerings collected during our Wednesday night Lenten services to be sent to the NALC’s Disaster Response Fund. This fund addresses needs following flooding, tornadoes, fires, and labor strikes. More can be found at this address:

Hello all, Jacob here!
Greetings all,
It seems like last month was a rush. This is especially true after coming off of the Christmas season and bringing in the new year. As was true of last month, since we are no longer meeting in person I have adjusted my schedule to make ample time for contacting students, young adults, and parents through digital means only. This includes texts, calls, facetime, and zoom conversations. Although I try to let all of the students know, it’s a good reminder that I am available to chat and even eat lunch with students in my office. Our confirmation class has begun our next semester online and even though we are at a distance I always enjoy the time I get to spend with and see the students.
I have also scheduled check-in times and have started our youth group meetings online with the students to be available if they need to chat, catch up, or if they had any questions or issues that they would like to discuss. These chats have proved to be a valuable time to me as I hope is true for the students as well. We have also moved to hosting youth group sessions on Wednesdays from 6-7 on Zoom and all teens are invited to join. I would love to see you all there!
As far as events are concerned, we had our continued YA meeting on the 21st. We will continue to be safe and distanced while also playing games, having the opportunity to chat with one another, and getting into the Word together as well.
Although current events will be limiting our meetings, events, and activities we are still offering Sunday school and Wiggle worship. This is one of the rare opportunities that we have to meet with the students in person and have loved every minute of it!
As I mentioned last month we continue to pray for wisdom and guidance to determine the best courses of action for the future and although these are strange times we rest on the truth that God is still all-good and that He is full of love for us, His children.

For His glory, Jacob Oglesby

For additional details and more BFLC happenings download the full Scribe below.
