The Scribe – April 2022

From Pastor Ken

Wednesdays in Lent
The Longest Journey: From Head to Heart
Biblical people encountering God’s transforming love.
It’s easy to say we believe in God. It’s quite another thing to believe him. During Lenten Wednesday worship, we’ve heard of 7 people in the Bible who moved from knowing that God exists to knowing him, trusting him, following him.
April 6 – Paul – Acts 9
April 14 – Peter – John 21

Maundy Thursday
Join us as we gather for soup and bread supper at 6:00 PM. Sign-up in the Fellowship Hall to bring food.
Then at 7:00 PM, our worship is in the context of the peaceful Holden Evening Prayer service with song, silence, and prayer.
We will focus on moving from our head to heart, trusting him.
Our offerings will go to Mekane Yesus Seminary in Ethiopia.

Holy Week
Palm/Passion Sunday – April 10 at 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM
We wave palm branches as we hear of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
Maundy Thursday – April 14 at 7:00 PM
In the context of the Holden evening prayer service. Soup dinner will be at 6:00 PM.
Good Friday – April 15 at 7:00 PM – Service of Tenebrae (shadows)
Called “good” because on this Friday, the greatest gift ever was given – the life of our Lord for us.
Easter – April 17 – Our Lord’s Resurrection!
6:00 AM – Sunrise Service – Candlelight
7:00 AM – Easter Breakfast
8:00 AM – Easter Worship
9:45 AM – Easter Egg Hunt (bring your own basket)
10:30 AM – Easter Worship

Sunday School Class
Hot Topics from a Biblical Perspective
Join Pastor Ken Sundays at 9:30 AM in the sanctuary.
These days it seems everything is up for grabs. How do we know what’s true? What insight does the Bible give us on such topics as:
• Gender issues/preferred pronouns
• The value of life – birth to death

From Pastor John

Tale from a Life Group
Recently, while I was attending one of our Life Groups, I heard someone share a most marvelous story. We were studying Matthew 25:31-44. That is the passage about the judgment of the nations and how the Son of Man will separate the peoples as one separates sheep from goats. One of the key verses is “And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’”. It was in reflection of this verse that I heard the following, which hopefully I will get mostly right…
Jeni found herself with a lot of free time one day, and so she decided to try and see Christ in everyone she met. Whether it was shopping at the store, or when she visited an art gallery, she just tried to see Christ in everyone she met. The results astonished her: she had “the best day ever”. She kept meeting people and having great conversations. People would open up to her and tell her all about their lives. Almost everyone she met was pleasant. Jeni had a very remarkable day with all these experiences.
Then the question arose: “Why don’t we all do this every day?” That wasn’t as fun of a discussion, though it was needed.
My proposal is this: Try it today. Treat everyone you come across as though they were Jesus Christ Himself. I don’t mean to bow down and worship everyone. What I mean is to treat everyone with the same love, respect, dignity and consideration as you would our Lord Jesus. If it makes it easier to imagine, treat all women like Mary the mother of Jesus.
Before you get distracted with your daily routines or work, give it a try today. This is me wishing you “the best day ever”.
God bless you.
-Pastor John Graham

Crossing the Neighborhood

Many of you have taken those little wooden crosses, along with an
invitation, and given them away to someone with the message “This is a sign of how much God loves
you” or something similar. About a week ago I gave a couple of young men a cross with that message, all
because they were waiting at a traffic light next to me. I figured God loves them also. If you enjoy giving
away crosses, telling people God loves them, seeing smiling faces and being a blessing, then let Pastor
John know. Or just keep up the good work one cross/invitation at a time. Lent is here and Easter is near.

From Jacob Oglesby, Director of Youth and Family Ministries

Greetings all,
Throughout the month of March, we continued to provide many opportunities in life of the church. We offered our regular class sessions which are every Sunday and Wednesday, and as we gear up for Easter, we also have several fun events planned as well. Thank you to each and every volunteer who had helped run previous events and for those who are going to be helping with our future events as well. I say this often, but it is worth repeating – you truly are appreciated. We could not do this without you!
Along with these weekly set meetings and larger events with the youth I am still connecting with the students on a regular basis, including both youth and young adults. We provide Sunday School from 9:30 – 10:15 AM, youth group every Sunday evening from 6:00-7:30 PM, and one young adult meeting every month. If you would like to join any of these groups you are more than welcome to, we would love to have you. If you are a member of our youth or young adult group and would like to meet for coffee or a meal, all you have to do is ask, it’s on me!
For our big events in March, we had our youth game night on March 22nd. For this event the students got to play fun and engaging games, eat snacks, and have fun. We also had our easter basket making event on Saturday, March the 26th. I am so proud of our youth and their parents for not only balancing their normal crazy schedules but also emphasizing the toughness of their spiritual journey together as a community as well. As I was talking with several parents this month about crazy schedules and enormous pressures I was reminded, yet again, that it does indeed take a village to raise a child. I am delighted to be a part of such a fantastic village.
In April we will have a full schedule as we prepare for Easter. This will include easter egg stuffing with the youth, Maundy/Thursday service, Good Friday service, an Easter sunrise service (that is led primarily by the youth), and of course an Easter Egg Hunt. Keep your eyes on the announcements and be ready to mark your calendars for these dates and times!
Adding to our youth (that is running at full speed!), we have continued to conduct our regular educational programming. We offer both Sunday School and Wiggle Worship and we have had a great time in planning and running these classes in the past and are excited that we get to continue offering them. Sunday School is from 9:30 – 10:15 AM for ages Pre-K – 5th grade with Maureen Lang; 6th – 12th grade with me, and all others are with Pastor Ken as he discusses “Hot Topics”.
Wiggle Worship is after the children’s message during the second service and is for 3–7-year-olds and is led by Amy Churchill. Dave Wintermute also begins both Sunday School and Wiggle Worship with a magic show. The children receive an age-appropriate lesson and are returned to their parents around the time of the sharing of peace and offering. We have had great participation in these classrooms, and I look forward to seeing these groups grow. Not only in numbers and participation but also in their walk with the Lord.
For His glory,
Jacob Oglesby

For additional details and other great stories about BFLC download The Scribe below.
